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Author, Speaker, Professor, Learner
Author, Speaker, Professor, Learner
SAGE Publications, November 27, 2017
This book provides a thorough grounding in research ethics, along with examples of real-world ethical dilemmas in working with vulnerable populations.
Author Maria K. E. Lahman aims to help qualitative research students design ethically and culturally responsive research with communities that may be very different from their own.
Throughout, compelling first-person accounts of ethics in human research—both historical and contemporary—are highlighted and each chapter includes vignettes written by the author and her collaborators about real qualitative research projects.
Ethics in Social Science Research provides students of social science research with a comprehensive guide to the most challenging ethical concerns in a variety of disciplines. This is an invaluable toolkit.
Robert Dahlgren
This text provides much needed guidance and clearly articulates the critical importance of valuing and honoring the rights of the vulnerable when they are engaged as research subjects.
Bibhuti Sar
University of Louisville
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